Source code for pyproximal.proximal.Euclidean
import numpy as np
from pyproximal.ProxOperator import _check_tau
from pyproximal import ProxOperator
from pyproximal.projection import EuclideanBallProj
[docs]class Euclidean(ProxOperator):
r"""Euclidean norm proximal operator.
Proximal operator of the Euclidean norm: :math:`\sigma \|\mathbf{x}\|_2 =
\sigma \sqrt{\sum x_i^2}`.
sigma : :obj:`int`, optional
Multiplicative coefficient of :math:`L_{2}` norm
The Euclidean proximal operator is defined as:
.. math::
\prox_{\tau \sigma \|\cdot\|_2}(\mathbf{x}) =
\left(1 - \frac{\tau \sigma }{\max\{\|\mathbf{x}\|_2,
\tau \sigma \}}\right) \mathbf{x}
This operator is sometimes called *block soft thresholding*.
Moreover, as the conjugate of the Euclidean norm is the orthogonal
projection of its dual norm (i.e., Euclidean norm) onto a unit ball,
its dual operator is defined as:
.. math::
\prox^*_{\tau \sigma \|\cdot\|_2}(\mathbf{x}) =
\frac{\sigma \mathbf{x}}{\max\{\|\mathbf{x}\|_2, \sigma\}}
def __init__(self, sigma=1.):
super().__init__(None, True)
self.sigma = sigma
def __call__(self, x):
return self.sigma * np.linalg.norm(x)
def prox(self, x, tau):
x = (1. - (tau * self.sigma) / max(np.linalg.norm(x), tau * self.sigma)) * x
return x
def proxdual(self, x, tau):
x = self.sigma * x / (max(np.linalg.norm(x), self.sigma))
return x
def grad(self, x):
return self.sigma * x / np.linalg.norm(x)
[docs]class EuclideanBall(ProxOperator):
r"""Euclidean ball proximal operator.
Proximal operator of the Euclidean ball: :math:`Eucl_{[c, r]} =
\{ \mathbf{x}: ||\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{c}||_2 \leq r \}`.
center : :obj:`np.ndarray` or :obj:`float`
Center of the ball
radius : :obj:`float`
As the Euclidean ball is an indicator function, the proximal operator
corresponds to its orthogonal projection
(see :class:`pyproximal.projection.EuclideanBallProj` for details.
def __init__(self, center, radius):
super().__init__(None, False) = center
self.radius = radius
self.ball = EuclideanBallProj(, self.radius)
def __call__(self, x):
return np.linalg.norm(x - <= self.radius
def prox(self, x, tau):
return self.ball(x)