
Adaptive Primal-Dual

Adaptive Primal-Dual

Basis Pursuit

Basis Pursuit



Group sparsity

Group sparsity

Hankel matrix estimation

Hankel matrix estimation

IHT, ISTA, FISTA, AA-ISTA, and TWIST for Compressive sensing

IHT, ISTA, FISTA, AA-ISTA, and TWIST for Compressive sensing

Image segmentation

Image segmentation

Low-Rank completion via Matrix factorization

Low-Rank completion via Matrix factorization

Low-Rank completion via SVD

Low-Rank completion via SVD

MRI Imaging and Segmentation of Brain

MRI Imaging and Segmentation of Brain

Non-rigid structure-from-motion (NRSfM)

Non-rigid structure-from-motion (NRSfM)

Nonlinear inversion with box constraints

Nonlinear inversion with box constraints

Plug and Play Priors

Plug and Play Priors

Quadratic program with box constraints

Quadratic program with box constraints

Relaxed Mumford-Shah regularization

Relaxed Mumford-Shah regularization

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