Source code for pyproximal.proximal.Simplex

import logging
import numpy as np

from pylops.utils.backend import get_array_module, to_cupy_conditional
from pyproximal.ProxOperator import _check_tau
from pyproximal import ProxOperator
from pyproximal.projection import SimplexProj

    from numba import jit
    from ._Simplex_numba import bisect_jit, simplex_jit, fun_jit
    from ._Simplex_cuda import bisect_jit_cuda, simplex_jit_cuda, fun_jit_cuda
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    jit = None
    jit_message = 'Numba not available, reverting to numpy.'
except Exception as e:
    jit = None
    jit_message = 'Failed to import numba (error:%s), use numpy.' % e

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)

class _Simplex(ProxOperator):
    """Simplex operator (numpy version)
    def __init__(self, n, radius, dims=None, axis=-1,
                 maxiter=100, xtol=1e-8, call=True):
        super().__init__(None, False)
        if dims is not None and len(dims) != 2:
            raise ValueError('provide only 2 dimensions, or None')
        self.n = n
        self.radius = radius
        self.dims = dims
        self.axis = axis
        self.otheraxis = 1 if axis == 0 else 0
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        self.xtol = xtol = call

        self.simplex = SimplexProj(self.n if dims is None else dims[axis],
                                   self.radius, maxiter=self.maxiter,

    def __call__(self, x, tol=1e-8):
        if not
            return False
        if self.dims is None:
            radcheck = np.sum(x) - self.radius > tol or \
                       np.sum(x) - self.radius < -tol
            c = not (radcheck or (np.any(x < 0)))
            x = x.reshape(self.dims)
            if self.axis == 0:
                x = x.T
            c = np.zeros(self.dims[self.otheraxis], dtype=bool)
            for i in range(self.dims[self.otheraxis]):
                c[i] = not (np.abs(np.sum(x)) - self.radius < tol or np.any(x[i] < 0))
            c = np.all(c)
        return c

    def prox(self, x, tau):
        if self.dims is None:
            y = self.simplex(x)
            x = x.reshape(self.dims)
            if self.axis == 0:
                x = x.T
            y = np.zeros_like(x)
            for i in range(self.dims[self.otheraxis]):
                y[i] = self.simplex(x[i])
            if self.axis == 0:
                y = y.T
        return y.ravel()

class _Simplex_numba(_Simplex):
    """Simplex operator (numba version)
    def __init__(self, n, radius, dims=None, axis=-1,
                 maxiter=100, ftol=1e-8, xtol=1e-8, call=False):
        super().__init__(None, False)
        if dims is not None and len(dims) != 2:
            raise ValueError('provide only 2 dimensions, or None')
        self.n = n
        self.coeffs = np.ones(self.n if dims is None else dims[axis])
        self.radius = radius
        self.dims = dims
        self.axis = axis
        self.otheraxis = 1 if axis == 0 else 0
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        self.ftol = ftol
        self.xtol = xtol = call

    def prox(self, x, tau):
        if self.dims is None:
            bisect_lower = -1
            while fun_jit(bisect_lower, x, self.coeffs, self.radius, 0, 10000000000) < 0:
                bisect_lower *= 2
            bisect_upper = 1
            while fun_jit(bisect_upper, x, self.coeffs, self.radius, 0, 10000000000) > 0:
                bisect_upper *= 2
            c = bisect_jit(x, self.coeffs, self.radius, 0, 10000000000,
                           bisect_lower, bisect_upper, self.maxiter,
                           self.ftol, self.xtol)
            y = np.minimum(np.maximum(x - c * self.coeffs, 0), 10000000000)
            x = x.reshape(self.dims)
            if self.axis == 0:
                x = x.T
            y = simplex_jit(x, self.coeffs, self.radius, 0, 10000000000,
                            self.maxiter, self.ftol, self.xtol)
            if self.axis == 0:
                y = y.T
        return y.ravel()

class _Simplex_cuda(_Simplex):
    """Simplex operator (cuda version)

    This implementation is adapted from

    def __init__(self, n, radius, dims=None, axis=-1,
                 maxiter=100, ftol=1e-8, xtol=1e-8, call=False,
        super().__init__(None, False)
        if dims is not None and len(dims) != 2:
            raise ValueError('provide only 2 dimensions, or None')
        self.n = n
        # self.coeffs = cuda.to_device(np.ones(self.n if dims is None else dims[axis]))
        self.coeffs = np.ones(self.n if dims is None else dims[axis])
        self.radius = radius
        self.dims = dims
        self.axis = axis
        self.otheraxis = 1 if axis == 0 else 0
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        self.ftol = ftol
        self.xtol = xtol = call
        self.num_threads_per_blocks = num_threads_per_blocks

    def prox(self, x, tau):
        ncp = get_array_module(x)
        x = x.reshape(self.dims)
        if self.axis == 0:
            x = x.T
        if type(self.coeffs) != type(x):
            self.coeffs = to_cupy_conditional(x, self.coeffs)

        y = ncp.empty_like(x)
        num_blocks = (x.shape[0] + self.num_threads_per_blocks - 1) // self.num_threads_per_blocks
        simplex_jit_cuda[num_blocks, self.num_threads_per_blocks](x, self.coeffs, self.radius,
                                                                  0, 10000000000, self.maxiter,
                                                                  self.ftol, self.xtol, y)
        if self.axis == 0:
            y = y.T
        return y.ravel()

[docs]def Simplex(n, radius, dims=None, axis=-1, maxiter=100, ftol=1e-8, xtol=1e-8, call=True, engine='numpy'): r"""Simplex proximal operator. Proximal operator of a Simplex: :math:`\Delta_n(r) = \{ \mathbf{x}: \sum_i x_i = r,\; x_i \geq 0 \}`. This operator can be applied to a single vector as well as repeatedly to a set of vectors which are defined as the rows (or columns) of a matrix obtained by reshaping the input vector as defined by the ``dims`` and ``axis`` parameters. Parameters ---------- n : :obj:`int` Number of elements of input vector radius : :obj:`float` Radius dims : :obj:`tuple`, optional Dimensions of the matrix onto which the input vector is reshaped axis : :obj:`int`, optional Axis along which simplex is repeatedly applied when ``dims`` is not provided maxiter : :obj:`int`, optional Maximum number of iterations used by bisection ftol : :obj:`float`, optional Function tolerance in bisection (only with ``engine='numba'`` or ``engine='cuda'``) xtol : :obj:`float`, optional Solution absolute tolerance in bisection call : :obj:`bool`, optional Evalutate call method (``True``) or not (``False``) engine : :obj:`str`, optional Engine used for simplex computation (``numpy``, ``numba``or ``cuda``). Raises ------ KeyError If ``engine`` is neither ``numpy`` nor ``numba`` nor ``cuda`` ValueError If ``dims`` is provided as a list (or tuple) with more or less than 2 elements Notes ----- As the Simplex is an indicator function, the proximal operator corresponds to its orthogonal projection (see :class:`pyproximal.projection.SimplexProj` for details. Note that ``tau`` does not have effect for this proximal operator, any positive number can be provided. """ if not engine in ['numpy', 'numba', 'cuda']: raise KeyError('engine must be numpy or numba or cuda') if engine == 'numba' and jit is not None: s = _Simplex_numba(n, radius, dims=dims, axis=axis, maxiter=maxiter, ftol=ftol, xtol=xtol, call=call) elif engine == 'cuda' and jit is not None: s = _Simplex_cuda(n, radius, dims=dims, axis=axis, maxiter=maxiter, ftol=ftol, xtol=xtol, call=call) else: if engine == 'numba' and jit is None: logging.warning(jit_message) s = _Simplex(n, radius, dims=dims, axis=axis, maxiter=maxiter, xtol=xtol, call=call) return s