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IHT, ISTA, FISTA, AA-ISTA, and TWIST for Compressive sensing#
In this example we want to compare five popular solvers in compressive
sensing problem, namely IHT, ISTA, FISTA, AA-ISTA, and TwIST. The first three can
be implemented using the same solver, namely the
, whilst the latter
two are implemented using the pyproximal.optimization.primal.AndersonProximalGradient
solvers, respectively
The IHT solver tries to solve the following unconstrained problem with a L0Ball regularization term:
The other solvers try instead to solve an unconstrained problem with a L1 regularization term:
however their convergence speed is different, which is something we want to focus in this tutorial.
Let’s start by creating a dense mixing matrix and a sparse signal. Note that the mixing matrix leads to an underdetermined system of equations (\(N < M\)) so being able to add some extra prior information regarding the sparsity of our desired model is essential to be able to invert such a system.
We try now to recover the sparse signal with our 4 different solvers
L = np.abs((Aop.H * Aop).eigs(1)[0])
tau = 0.95 / L
eps = 5e-3
maxit = 300
l0 = pyproximal.proximal.L0Ball(3)
l2 = pyproximal.proximal.L2(Op=Aop, b=y)
costf1 = []
x_iht = pyproximal.optimization.primal.ProximalGradient(l2, l0, tau=tau, x0=np.zeros(M),
epsg=eps, niter=maxit, acceleration='fista', show=False)
l1 = pyproximal.proximal.L1()
l2 = pyproximal.proximal.L2(Op=Aop, b=y)
costi = []
x_ista = \
pyproximal.optimization.primal.ProximalGradient(l2, l1, tau=tau, x0=np.zeros(M),
epsg=eps, niter=maxit, show=False,
callback=lambda x: callback(x, l2, l1, eps, costi))
niteri = len(costi)
l1 = pyproximal.proximal.L1()
l2 = pyproximal.proximal.L2(Op=Aop, b=y)
costf = []
x_fista = \
pyproximal.optimization.primal.ProximalGradient(l2, l1, tau=tau, x0=np.zeros(M),
epsg=eps, niter=maxit, acceleration='fista', show=False,
callback=lambda x: callback(x, l2, l1, eps, costf))
niterf = len(costf)
# Anderson accelerated ISTA
l1 = pyproximal.proximal.L1()
l2 = pyproximal.proximal.L2(Op=Aop, b=y)
costa = []
x_ander = \
pyproximal.optimization.primal.AndersonProximalGradient(l2, l1, tau=tau, x0=np.zeros(M),
epsg=eps, niter=maxit,
nhistory=5, show=False,
callback=lambda x: callback(x, l2, l1, eps, costa))
nitera = len(costa)
# TWIST (Note that since the smallest eigenvalue is zero, we arbitrarily
# choose a small value for the solver to converge stably)
l1 = pyproximal.proximal.L1(sigma=eps)
eigs = (Aop.H * Aop).eigs()
eigs = (np.abs(eigs[0]), 5e-1)
x_twist, costt = \
pyproximal.optimization.primal.TwIST(l1, Aop, y, eigs=eigs,
x0=np.zeros(M), niter=maxit,
show=False, returncost=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 3))
m, s, b = ax.stem(x, linefmt='k', basefmt='k',
markerfmt='ko', label='True')
plt.setp(m, markersize=10)
m, s, b = ax.stem(x_iht, linefmt='--c', basefmt='--c',
markerfmt='co', label='IHT')
plt.setp(m, markersize=10)
m, s, b = ax.stem(x_ista, linefmt='--r', basefmt='--r',
markerfmt='ro', label='ISTA')
plt.setp(m, markersize=7)
m, s, b = ax.stem(x_fista, linefmt='--g', basefmt='--g',
markerfmt='go', label='FISTA')
plt.setp(m, markersize=7)
m, s, b = ax.stem(x_ander, linefmt='--m', basefmt='--m',
markerfmt='mo', label='AA-ISTA')
plt.setp(m, markersize=7)
m, s, b = ax.stem(x_twist, linefmt='--b', basefmt='--b',
markerfmt='bo', label='TWIST')
plt.setp(m, markersize=7)
ax.set_title('Model', size=15, fontweight='bold')

Finally, let’s compare the converge behaviour of the different algorithms
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))
ax.loglog(costi, 'r', lw=2, label=r'$x_{ISTA} (niter=%d)$' % niteri)
ax.loglog(costf, 'g', lw=2, label=r'$x_{FISTA} (niter=%d)$' % niterf)
ax.loglog(costa, 'm', lw=2, label=r'$x_{AA-ISTA} (niter=%d)$' % nitera)
ax.loglog(costt, 'b', lw=2, label=r'$x_{TWIST} (niter=%d)$' % maxit)
ax.set_title('Cost function', size=15, fontweight='bold')
ax.grid(True, which='both')

To conclude, given the nature of the problem (small number of non-zero coefficients), the IHT solver shows the fastest convergence - note that we do not display the cost function since this is a constrained problem. This is however greatly influenced by the fact that we assume exact knowledge of the number of non-zero coefficients. When this information is not available, IHT may become suboptimal. In this case the FISTA or AA-ISTA solvers should always be preferred (over ISTA) and TwIST represents an alternative worth checking.
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.885 seconds)